Sep 4, 2009


She flipped through the pages of her life looking for a clue to the cause that made her the way she is today. She skimmed the faces she saw, the incidents that happened, the conversations she had; yet an answer did not come.

Why am I like this? What happened to me? Why did I give up hope? When did I lose my way? Why did I go astray? Endless questions forming in her mind, like a whirlwind swaying her here and there, and tossing her from one dead end to another. “Somebody please tell me.” she called. No one answered. No body heard her pleas.

She was lost; utterly lost in the shower of questions she asked. Her life turned into a mystery even she could not unravel; an endless labyrinth that she lost her way in and was leading her to self-destruction.

Her pleas went unanswered as she pleaded over and over again. Not knowing what to look for and what to do, she had no choice but to keep on looking, and asking more questions despite the fear and loss she felt.

However, in the midst of the darkness, a flicker of light appeared. It was the hope in her heart. She clung to it and didn’t let go despite her fear of not finding the answers to her questions. It was the only ray of light that illuminated her path towards her goal no matter how far it was. It led her to the answers after being astray for so long.

Hold on to hope, surely your dream will come true someday.

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