Mar 21, 2010

A Simple Question

“What’s the best thing one can do with his lips?” asked the wise man.

“Talk with it,” said the young man.

“No,” said the wise man.

“Then its eating” the young man said.

“No,” the wise man said with a sigh.

“Then what is it?” asked the young man

“Think a little bit more, and you’ll find the answer. Its easy,” said the wise man.

The young man thought for a little while but he didn’t come up with an answer. “I give up,” he said to the wise man. “Tell me what’s the best thing one can do with his lips.”

“Smile”, said the wise man. “That’s the best thing you could do with your lips.”

The young man smiled.

Mar 5, 2010

On loss

Cover my eyes. Cover my ears
Please don’t tell me your leaving
Please don’t let go and leave me here all alone.
Turn back the clock, and tell me this is a lie,
a nightmare and in time ill wakeup

The night is so long
And I try to be strong
But emotions inside me are swirling
I try to forget, and I try to let go
But the image of your face never leaves me

The feel of your touch, the sound of your voice
Lingers in my heart eternally
We vowed. “Until death do us apart.”
But I still can’t let go even after you left,
up to heaven where you belong.

“I miss the beat of your heart.”