Mar 9, 2011

The Ramblings of a Human Being

I’ve always believed that my presence and everything that I once believed in will vanish as soon as I my days on this earth will end. I thought that I, a mere human being, amongst billions of others couldn’t amount to something worthwhile unless I do something amazing.

However, now, many years later I realized that that is not necessarily true. If only I could thrust my hand into my chest, and wear my heart on my sleeve for all to see. To see the enormity and strength by which it beats; pumping life into my veins. Giving me the power to love, to endure, to smile, to cry, to feel pain and joy and most importantly, to live.

I now know that I am not a footnote in someone else’s story; I am not the scribble on a margin. If life were a novel, I would be the beating heart. So, now I know to never underestimate myself. I am worthwhile, and no matter how insignificant my life might seem, I know that when I leave this world, I would have left an impression that would last an eternity. It doesn’t have to be big. It just has to be something; a simple piece of evidence that I have lived my life to the fullest.

Jan 16, 2011

What if?

One night I was standing by the beach, gazing at the endless deep blue horizon. The salt scented wind softly caressing my cheeks and lashes, while the blown away grains of sands were tingling my toes.

I thought to myself as I was shifting my gaze to the other blue expanse, “What a wonderful world?“ The night sky dotted with brilliant silver sparkles, turning the sky into a masquerade of light and joy.

As for the tumbling waves, they are and will always be a whole other story. The strength they could inspire if only people observed them a little bit more. How can a thing be so persistent and persevering?

Waves grow, and grow, and finally they crash; however they manage to leap up again with the same vigor, if not more!

I wondered what would happen to the world, if each person managed to be inspired by one speck of beauty in this place called Planet Earth! I’m pretty sure life would have been drastically different than it is now.

What if we peel of the residues that has accumulated over our hearts, and blinded us to the beauty that lies within our grasp?

What if every human being listened to the whispers of the wind?

What if every human being breathed in the aroma of life?

What if every human being looked with his heart of hearts rather than his eyes?

Wouldn’t life have much more meaning to it?

Jan 2, 2011

And you told me to..

“Dream” you said, “Dream and everything will be ok.”

“But the odds are against me, I cant over come them,” I said. “No, the odds are just stepping stones, you have to go on,” you replied.

For a moment I could breath again, and you smiled and told me, “It will be ok.” And I dreamed and dreamed and dreamed. Days passed, weeks, and then years, but nothing changed. I became a haunted house of dreams and despair. You were gone, and there was no one else I could trust. Your words lingered in the air around me like specters from the netherworld.

At times I thought of giving up all hope; and sometimes I questioned whether I would ever succeed or not. “Maybe my dreams are not destined to see the light. Maybe I will never see them come to life.”

But, again and again, your words would flash over my mind and I’d remember you smiling at me, and telling me to, “Dream.”

And I Dreamed.