Sep 26, 2008

Little Boy

The little boy stood by the cliff and gazed into the distant horizon. He listened to the sound of the waves striking the razor sharp a distant explosion resonating in his ears, mind, and heart. How can he forget that day? That doomed day that left him all alone in this ruthless world fighting for his life. The fear, the pain, the sorrow..he can still feel it like it happened yesterday. The sickening stench of blood refuses to leave his memory. The images of the torched bodies are carved in his heart like its carved on stone. He had seen his mother, father and sister turn into ash and blown away by the wind . Countless times did he try to erase that memory, but it keeps coming back to him over and over again..and it never fails to stab his little heart. A light breeze brushed his cheeks, and his golden curls danced along with it…someone is calling him..but who is it?..he doesn’t recognize the voice. He turned his gaze towards the source of the voice..”Come to me child” an angel like maiden called..”Come to me and everything will be fine” she said. The boy, hypnotized by her piercing blue eyes, reached out his tiny hand and took he went with the place where pain does not exist..However, reality hits him as he woke up from his trance..the maiden is gone, and the pain is there. He’s falling down..faster and faster..down he goes towards the raging waves of the deep blue sea..he shrieks but it’s too late to call for help, and all of a sudden..silence takes over and the only sound to be heard is the sound of waves.

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